Your Space: Imagination Station

June 24 - September 26, 2016

Union Station opened in Brattleboro in 1916 to welcome passengers traveling by train up and down the east coast. Imagine the stories those first travelers would have to tell about the sights they saw along their journey!

Now as home to BMAC, a museum of contemporary art, Union Station takes visitors to places real and imagined through the artwork on display. With a click of the shutter, or a dab of the brush, artists capture a time and place and share their vision with us. As Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

The reproduced images on the walls of the Ticket Gallery offer a glimpse of places where master artists can take us. Henri Rousseau transports viewers to exotic lands with his paintings of a dense jungle and its wild inhabitants (Tiger in a Tropical Storm). Vincent van Gogh, with paint and palette knife, allows us to feel the warm summer breeze blowing through golden fields of wheat in Arles, France (Wheat Field with Cypresses).

We can take the train to New York City (Saul Steinberg’s View of the World from 9th Avenue) and catch the last set of a jazz band in Harlem (Romare Bearden’s Jamming at the Savoy), or visit a theater and peek backstage to see ballet dancers stretching before their performance (Edgar Degas’s Two Ballet Dancers).

We invite you to use the art materials and images on display to design your own imaginary destination. Celebrate Union Station’s 100th anniversary by taking a creative journey with us!

— Linda Whelihan, Museum Educator


Photo Gallery


July 16, Saturday, 1 p.m. – Family Event: The Monadnock Storyteller
July 24, Sunday, 10-12 – Family Art Workshop: The Dog Days of Summer
August 14, Sunday, 10-12 – Family Art Workshop: Whimsical Whirligigs