50th Anniversary Gala Contributors
We are deeply grateful to the individuals and businesses listed below for their generous gifts in honor of BMAC’s 50th anniversary.
$5,000 and above
Rick and Jan Cohen
Laura A. Howat
Ann Macdonald and Charles Raubicheck, in loving memory of Lucy Cottrell Macdonald
The Thorndike Family
Brattleboro Savings & Loan
Larry and Marilyn Cassidy
The Richards Group
Trust Company of Vermont
Susan and Derek Ahl
Kim Benzel and Bruce Campbell
Bruce and Catie Berg
Pal and Donna Borofsky
Christopher Chapman and Alison Hale, in honor of Ralph and Hope Chapman
Margaret Everitt
Gordon Faison and Eleanora Patterson
Judy Fink and Rob Freeberg
The Thomas French & Jennifer Miller Giving Fund, in honor of Cecilie French
Laurie Gianturco and Neil Swinton
Christie Herbert and Bill Conley
Evie Lovett and Jeff Shumlin
Len Oppenheim
Mark and Elizabeth Richards
Michael Singer
Mara Williams and Thomas Hilsdon
Up to $999
Renate and Hugh Aller
David and Margaret Anderson
Judith Bellamy, in honor of Mara Williams
Madeline Bergstrom
Linda Blumberg, in memory of Constance Lewallen
Heide Bredfeldt, in memory of William A. Oates
Dr. Cheri Ann Brodhurst
Paul H. Butler and Christiana N. Gianopulos
Elizabeth Catlin and Jared Flynn
Enrique Chavez and Michael Abrams
Creative Catalyst Communications
The Daffy Charitable Fund
John Daly and Leigh Marthe
Bob Davis
Joseph Diggs
Marion Dowling and Sidney Johnson
Robert and Katherine DuGrenier
Kim Effron
Tom and Jennifer Fels
Cyndi Ferrante and Bob Jude Ferrante
Wendy Fiering
S. Fischesser
Daniel L. Friedman
Robert and Rosalind Fritz, in memory of Emily Mason
Barbara Garber
Katherine Gass Stowe and Chris Stowe
Daniel Goldstein and Laura Williams
Christine Graham
Wendy Harrison and Peter Elwell
Debbie Hayward
Marcy Hermansader
Iedje Hornsby, in honor of Margaret Everitt
Stephanie Huestis
Julia Jensen and Tim Weed
Nan Jernigan
Cindy Jerome
Jennifer Taplin Jerome
Jon and Susan Joyce
Melany Kahn and Bo Foard
Geoff Kane
Chrisman Kearn
Debby Wiesen Kelly and David Kelly, in memory of Lorraine K. Wiesen
Judith Kotanchik
Jaime Laredo and Sharon Robinson, in memory of Wolf Kahn and Emily Mason
Eve Leons
Danny Lichtenfeld
Deb Lichtenfeld and Jeff Schulman
Peter and Judith Lichtenfeld
Rebecca Lichtenfeld and Robert Currie
John and Ann Lightfoot
Martha Lomonaco and Karl Ruling
Greg LoPiccolo and Gayle Robertson
Jon MacClaren and Christopher Sink
Tim Mayo
Edward McCatty
Naida McSherry
Roger and Judith Miller
Karen Greve Milton
Petria Mitchell and Jim Giddings
Fred and Carol Moriarty
Tamara Mount
Eugene Newman and Leslie Fleck Newman
Wendy O’Connell and David Blistein
Laurie Panther
Michael Poster and Rodrica Tilley
Sally Prasch, in memory of Michael Brandt
The Purcell Family
Rita Ramirez and Tom Bodett
Curtiss Reed, Jr. and Cathryn Griffith
Peter and Liz Richards
Debra Rosenzweig and Michael Davidovits
Elizabeth Satin and John Gibson
Mel and Norma Shakun
Steve Shriner and Janice Warren, in memory of Helene Henry
Michelle Simpson
Loren and Marianne Smith
Potter Stewart and Robin Stern
Craig Stockwell and Sarah Jane Mustin
JoEllen Tarallo
Lars Torres
Konstantin von Krusenstiern
Susan Marie Walker
Elsa Finard Waxman
Lynne Weinstein and Billy Straus
Susan and Phillip Wilson
Tom and Christie Winmill
Andy Yoder
Gifts to the Danny Lichtenfeld 15th Anniversary Fund
Kim Benzel and Bruce Campbell
Pal and Donna Borofsky
Paul H. Butler and Christiana N. Gianopulos
Elizabeth Catlin and Jared Flynn
Christopher Chapman and Alison Hale
Enrique Chavez and Michael Abrams
Rick and Jan Cohen
The Daffy Charitable Fund
Robert and Katherine DuGrenier
Margaret Everitt
Gordon Faison and Eleanora Patterson
Daniel L. Friedman
Robert and Rosalind Fritz
Wendy Harrison and Peter Elwell
Christie Herbert and Bill Conley
Laura A. Howat
Julia Jensen and Tim Weed
Geoff Kane
Deb Lichtenfeld and Jeff Schulman
Peter and Judith Lichtenfeld
Rebecca Lichtenfeld and Robert Currie
Martha Lomonaco and Karl Ruling
Jon MacClaren and Christopher Sink
Edward McCatty
Roger and Judith Miller
Eugene Newman and Leslie Fleck Newman
Wendy O’Connell and David Blistein
Len Oppenheim
Craig Stockwell and Sarah Jane Mustin
The Thorndike Family
Lars Torres
Konstantin von Krusenstiern
Mara Williams and Thomas Hilsdon
Andy Yoder
Gifts to the Union Station Fund
Paul H. Butler and Christiana N. Gianopulos
Laurie Gianturco and Neil Swinton
Wendy Harrison and Peter Elwell
Marcy Hermansader
Laura A. Howat
Danny Lichtenfeld
Roger and Judith Miller
Mark and Elizabeth Richards
Lars Torres
Gifts to the BMAC Scholarship Fund
Madeline Bergstrom
Paul H. Butler and Christiana N. Gianopulos
Debbie Hayward
Laura A. Howat
Danny Lichtenfeld
Michael Poster and Rodrica Tilley
Lars Torres
Golden Sponsors
Brattleboro Savings & Loan
The Richards Group
Trust Company of Vermont
Gala Underwriters
Kim Benzel and Bruce Campbell
Bruce and Catie Berg
Margaret Everitt
Mara Williams and Thomas Hilsdon