Workshop: Mask Making

April 30, Saturday, 2-5 p.m.

UNH art instructor and artist Sachiko Akiyama leads a three-hour, in-person workshop on mask making at the River Gallery School in Brattleboro. At the start of the workshop, Patti Smith of Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (BEEC) will present an introduction about local animals that are at risk of becoming endangered or are threatened in some way. Akiyama will then lead a mask making workshop referencing Japanese folklore and endangered animals as inspiration.

This workshop is presented in connection with Sachiko Akiyama: Through Lines.

Sachiko Akiyama is best known for sculptures that combine hand-carved wood forms with other materials such as clay, resin and metal. She has exhibited in the United States and abroad, including solo exhibitions at the Akinofuku Museum in Japan and the University of Maine Museum of Art, and group exhibitions at the Kohler Arts Center, Smack Mellon, and Field Projects. Her work is in the permanent collections of Decordova Museum and Sculpture Park and Gordon College.

ADMISSION: $45, $40 BMAC Members
Ages 14 and up. Space is limited. Registration required. 
Register online or call 802-257-0124 x101

Masks are required during this workshop.