Renewing the Riverfront

July 24 - October 24 2010

This interactive exhibit focuses on possibilities for future development of the stretch of riverfront directly behind the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. This formerly industrial property, site of an old coal gasification facility and several old railroad buildings, is about to be transformed. On May 18, 2010 the Brattleboro Selectboard approved a plan to demolish several of the old buildings and create new green space along the river. That is just the beginning, however. What will become of the property in the long term is an open question, and it is the subject of this exhibit.

The exhibit is comprised of three parts:

— A retrospective of studies of the property done between 2001 and 2010;
— A catalogue of new ideas to transform the site into a vibrant public space, produced by The Center for Creative Solutions at Marlboro College Graduate School; and
— A public forum inviting Museum visitors to contribute their visions for the property.

Michael Singer’s website